
Download TCR data
  • TCR Chain Data

    This file contains detailed information on TCR chains, including CDR sequences, chain types, and associated TCR names.

  • TCR Complex Data

    This file includes data on TCR complexes, with information on epitope binding, germline genes, docking angles, and more.

Cleaned-up TCR-peptide-MHC complex structures, fitted to a common MHC reference frame
TCR alpha and beta chains renumbered by AHO scheme
TCR Complexes: datasets of TCR-peptide-MHC complex structures, including gene names, epitope and calculated docking angles
  • Class I, Class II, CD1, and MR1 datasets can be downloaded directly from their respective pages.
TCR Docking Benchmark (unbound-bound): set of nonredundant TCR-peptide-MHC complexes with unbound TCR and pMHC structures